The Government has usurped the control of Hindu temples. Fight for their autonomy.

Our Temples do not belong to us. In most of the states, Governments have passed acts and legislations to take over Hindu institutions including Temples, Mutts and Endowments. This has enabled the Government to interfere in the Temples’ management, practices and rituals. Not just that, Temples’ properties and income have also been usurped by the Government. The most outrageous fact is that the Government exerts such a control exclusively on the Hindu Temples; the places of worship of other religions enjoy freedom and autonomy. This is a clear-cut case of systematic discrimination and harassment.


From education to ecology and culture to charity, Hindu Temples have played a pivotal role in shaping the Indian society. Today’s India has become a battleground for the clash of civilizations, and the Hindu society is facing an existential threat. The need to revive the Temple eco-system is more important than ever. But this cannot be achieved without freeing them from the clutches of the State.


The Government’s control over the Hindu Temples is unconstitutional and immoral. Hindu Temples belong to the Hindu society and the State must exit immediately.

Please sign this petition and help us free our Temples.

Free Hindu Temples

I demand from the government to set my temples free from uncalled for State interference.

%%your signature%%

18,511 signatures = 37% of goal

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